May 10, 2014

Writing, Searching, Thinking, Learning: Cross-Training Peer Research and Writing Tutors to Maximize Student Success

LOEX Annual Conference. Grand Rapids, MI.

Julia Glassman, Christine Holten, and Doug Worsham


Any college instructor who assigns essays or research papers will tell you that writing and research are deeply intertwined. Doesn't it make sense, then, to empower writing tutors to give their peers basic guidance in research, and vice versa? With this in mind, the UCLA College Library has partnered with the UCLA Undergraduate Writing Center (UWC) to cross-train writing and research tutors. This partnership has helped foster a dramatic re-envisioning of library space, and has been a major factor in the development of new practices like replacing the reference desk with a consultation suite (dubbed the Inquiry Space) and expanding the Library's use of student tutors alongside full-time librarians. The UWC now operates a satellite center within the Library, and the Library is expanding its offerings of research consultations in other campus spaces. Overall, this collaborative training has led to a more integrated, nuanced, and broad-reaching Library service model. This session will introduce participants to the training program developed for research and writing tutors, assessment strategies, unexpected challenges, budget and space considerations, and other issues. Then, participants will be able to share strategies they are employing at their own libraries or begin building a similar program at their campuses.

Learning Outcomes

  • Employ new strategies for collaborative relationships with their writing centers and other campus partners.
  • Develop a research methods training program for writing tutors.
  • Evaluate learning space design for composition tutoring and research assistance service.