¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Presentations

47 presentations at AAC&U - GEPA, ACRL, ALA, CARL, CCLI, CIC Learning Technology Group, EDUCAUSE, EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, FLA, FLEAT, IALLT, IFLA, LILAC, LOEX, Library Instruction West, Library Journal Webinar, MLA, MWALLT, NMC, SFSU MATESOL, SWALLT, Symposium for Teaching and Learning Excellence, TESOL, THATCamp, UW Madison Teaching & Learning Symposium, WiscWiki.

May 21, 2021 at CCLI.

Keynote Presentation: Same, But Different - How 2020 stretched our teaching capabilities and strengthened our commitment to safety and inclusion

In this talk we share the values that guided our early pandemic response efforts, discussing the essential importance of centering...

April 13, 2021 at ACRL.

HIP Librarianship in an Unsettled World: High-Impact Practices for Online Student Engagement

This panel will feature librarians who have collaborated with faculty and other campus partners to develop innovative, high-impact information literacy...

February 11, 2021 at AAC&U - GEPA.

Scenarios for Success: Building High-Impact Library Collaborations

High-impact collaborations that put information literacy theory into practice across settings and disciplines help faculty address critical issues and learning...

July 24, 2020 at MLA.

The Future of Reference: Focus on Function

Last year, the UCLA Science Libraries restructured student reference training to align with our new functional organization. In the 2019-2020...

July 30, 2019 at FLA.

Getting started with student-centered design

Teaching is wonderful, but co-creating with students is even better. Join us to learn how to launch your own student-centered...

June 24, 2019 at ALA.

WI+RE: Creating a learner-led instructional design team in your library

Your library student employees have keen insights on essential breakthroughs and challenges for learners and researchers. They may also be...

May 11, 2019 at LOEX.

Better Together: Student-Led Collaborative Media Creation

It’s 2019. You work at a library and are interested in collaborating with campus partners to create interactive media. Maybe...

April 13, 2018 at CARL.

Let’s Build Something!: A Rapid-Prototyping Instructional Design Workshop

You already know what learning outcomes are. You’ve made more than enough LibGuides. Now you’re ready to do something different....

April 13, 2018 at CARL.

Can Librarians Wear Plaid? Early Insights into Forming a Matrix Organization

In 2016-2017, most public services units in UCLA Library were merged into a new reporting structure under a single Associate...

April 13, 2018 at CARL.

DIY Spaces in an Age of Change: Creating a STEM Collaborative Learning Center with Campus Partners

What happens when key campus partners are running very successful undergraduate education programs but don’t have adequate space for them?...

February 23, 2018 at Southern California Instruction Librarians Works 2018

Flipping Engineering Information Literacy Instruction

The UCLA Science and Engineering Library (or SEL) has a longstanding engagement with Engineering 183: Engineering and Society, which requires...

September 14, 2017 at UCLA Library Staff Professional Development Presentation

Exploring Your Options with Hybrid and Online Research Skills Instruction

Your options for hybrid and online approaches to research skills and information literacy instruction just keep growing! In addition to...

August 21, 2017 at IFLA.

A Library-Based Curriculum That Transforms Students Into Scholars

A library-based course developed by librarians at UCLA to help undergraduate students working on their first advanced research projects.

May 31, 2017 at LAUC Conference Round-up

Common threads of healthy discontent about assessment

In libraries, we're in the early stages of a very important effort to re-think assessment. ACRL's Value report, the impressive...

April 10, 2017 at LILAC.

The Digital Research Notebook - A Simple Tool to Augment the One-Shot

Although deep, sustained engagement with students is desirable, many librarians still work within the confines of the one-shot instruction session,...

June 10, 2016 at Library Instruction West.

Breaking It Down and Climbing Back Up: Learning Theories and Approaches to Instruction

Active learning, constructivism, socio-constructivism, critical pedagogy, critical constructivism - these learning theories are more than just buzzwords. They’re important instructional...

June 10, 2016 at Library Instruction West.

Digital Research Notebook: A Simple Tool for Reflective Learning

Although deep, sustained engagement with students is desirable, many librarians still work within the confines of the one-shot instruction session,...

March 17, 2016 at IALLT.

Participatory Design & Learning Space Evaluation

Join in for this opportunity to discuss and share ideas on a diverse toolkit for designing and investigating the success...

December 10, 2014 at Library Journal Webinar.

Data, Assessment, and Participatory Design: Rethinking Information Literacy, Spaces, and Services in Two Academic Libraries

The Claremont Colleges Library has developed a range of approaches to holistically evaluating information literacy (IL) learning and perceptions among...

May 10, 2014 at LOEX.

Writing, Searching, Thinking, Learning: Cross-Training Peer Research and Writing Tutors to Maximize Student Success

Any college instructor who assigns essays or research papers will tell you that writing and research are deeply intertwined. Doesn't...

April 05, 2014 at CARL.

CARL-DIG: Leading the Way: Innovative Reference Models

Academic libraries are always changing in order to stay relevant with the unique and dynamic needs of users. Historically, reference...

September 04, 2012 at THATCamp.

Drupal Starter-Kit: Intro to Drupal Content and Views

What can you do with Drupal? Bring your laptop and find out in this hands-on introduction to the Drupal content...

June 23, 2011 at IALLT.

Collaborative Sites for Language, Literature, and Culture

What makes great language, literature, and culture learning happen? In this interactive demonstration, the presenters will discuss that very question,...

June 16, 2011 at NMC.

Knowledge Building for the Digital Humanities

The L&S Collaborative Sites pilot project at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, a platform for the rapid development of...

January 20, 2010 at EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative.

Collaborative Conundrum: What We Know About Group Work and Technology, but Often Forget

Students and instructors have access to a broad range of collaborative technologies for group projects, but successful group work is...

November 05, 2009 at EDUCAUSE.

Creating Custom Online Learning Environments with Drupal

Student collaboration and knowledge building are at the heart of two pilot projects at Penn State and UW–Madison. Learn how...

February 26, 2009 at Symposium for Teaching and Learning Excellence.

Moving Toward Student-Centered Learning with Collaborative Technologies

You’ve heard the buzz words: knowledge construction, collaborative group work, Web 2.0. But what does this look like in a...

October 23, 2007 at EDUCAUSE.

Blogs, Wikis, and Podcasts: Personal Authoring Technologies Enrich Communication and Expression for You and Your Students

Personal authoring technologies have made it easier than ever for instructors and students to contribute their thoughts, experiences, and opinions...

June 21, 2007 at IALLT.

Wikis in Language Learning: Audience, Authorship, and Assessment.

This session looks at the role of audience, authorship, and assessment in two very different wiki projects – a semester...

May 30, 2007 at UW Madison Teaching & Learning Symposium.

Expanding the Wisconsin Idea – Extending the Classroom through Podcasting

How do we use podcasting to extend the borders of the campus to the borders of the state? We will...

May 30, 2007 at UW Madison Teaching & Learning Symposium.

Using Wikis to Foster Collaboration and Enhance Teaching and Learning

May 30, 2007 at UW Madison Teaching & Learning Symposium.

Social Networking and Remix Culture

May 30, 2007 at UW Madison Teaching & Learning Symposium.

L&S LessonShare - Networking the Lesson Plan

April 13, 2007 at WiscWiki.

WiscWiki 2007 Conference Co-Organizer

Organized and delivered a successful University of Wisconsin system-wide conference allowing instructors and staff to share their knowledge and experience...

November 07, 2006 at CIC Learning Technology Group.

Podcast Polyglots: Language Faculty Speak Beyond the Borders of the Campus

April 21, 2006 at MWALLT.

Evaluating Professor Podcast

August 08, 2005 at FLEAT.

Making Wikis Work

May, 2005. at UW Madison Teaching & Learning Symposium.

Confidence, Quality and Quantity: Improving Class Discussions with Online Chats

May, 2005. at UW Madison Teaching & Learning Symposium.

Collaborative Learning in a Networked Computer Lab